How might we feel more connected to moments of wonder in nature?

The Slow Brew

A one-day experience in Shoreditch, diverting people on their coffee breaks onto a secret urban nature trail

Feb 2024 | with Catarina Neves (Amplify)
Event creative and design
The Slow Brew was conceived as part of ‘Agency for Nature’, an initiative from purpose-driven nonprofits Glimpse and Purpose Disruptors that unites five top UK creative agencies to create hype for our client, nature. A root cause of climate change, biodiversity loss and the mental health crisis, the disconnect between humans and the natural world is driven in part by the desire for high-consumption lifestyles, fuelled by advertising. The Agency for Nature aims to redirect the power of creativity to help a new generation fall back in love with the most incredible product on earth – nature.


The Slow Brew is a mini urban nature experience diverting people on their coffee breaks. How often do you go for a coffee break, but end up on your phone doom-scrolling and not really resting? Offered as an exclusive menu item at FWD:Coffee in Shoreditch, The Slow Brew could be added onto any order, taking the coffee drinker on an immersive walk around the neighbourhood leading to a secret location.

In addition to their coffee, people received a ‘toolkit’ which included some sensory prompts (such as “touch, because your fingers deserve more than glass screens and plastic keyboards”), a map marked with the secret location, and some kaleidoscopic lenses. These encouraged alternative interactions with their surroundings.

On the way to the secret location, we installed arrows made of moss to help guide people, which also marked the locations of smaller nature moments. These were white frames drawing attention to overlooked foliage on the side of the street, accompanied by an instagram caption-style prompt offering an angle to appreciate the plant.

Finally when people got to the secret location, which was revealed to be the Hoxton Trust Community Garden, our hero ‘moss bed’ offered a moment of restful cloud-watching. The bed is symbolic of how the coffee ‘break’ turned into a moment of ‘rest’ by slowing down and aligning with nature.

Our aim was to experientially demonstrate how nature isn’t some entity far away, but literally all around us even in the heart of the city. She isn’t some ‘green blob’ – if only people tuned in, she is an accessible source of wonder that adds the magic we need in our lives.

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